Android UI Kit - Calories Tracker

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📱 Elevate Your App Development with our Android Calories Tracker UI Kit 🥗✨ Unleash the power of health in your app!


  • Navigation Menu
  • Home Page
  • List Product Page
  • Detail Product Page
  • Filter Product Page

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin
  • Jetpack Compose
  • MVVM Architecture


  • Save time: Access a library of coded components, quickly prototype concepts and ‘go to market’ faster.
  • Reduce costs: Build out your internal component library, cut front-end development cost in half and affordable pricing options that won’t break the bank.
I want this!

App concept for Calories Tracker. Built for Android platform with Jetpack Compose.

JDK Version
11.0.20 Corretto
SDK Target
Kotlin Version
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Android UI Kit - Calories Tracker

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I want this!